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Acronymes du marketing digital

ABMAccount Based Marketing

ADRAccount Development Representative

AEAccount Executive

AIOpsArtificial Intelligence Operations Systems

AMAccount Manager

APIApplication Program Interface

ARAccount Representative

ARPUAverage Revenue Per User

ARRAnnual Recurring Revenue

ASPApplication Service Provider

BDRBusiness Development Representative

BIBusiness Intelligence

CACCustomer Acquisition Costs

CDPCustomer Data Platform

CIPCustomer Intelligence Platform

CLVCustomer Lifetime Value

CMPContent Marketing Platform

CMSContent Management System

CPCCost Per Clic

CPLCost Per Lead

CRMCustomer Relationship Management

CROConversion Rate Optimization

CSMCustomer Success Manager

CSRCustomer Success Representative

CTACall To Action

DaaSData As A Service

DAMDigital Asset Management

DMPData Management Platform

DXPDigital Experience Platform

ERPEntreprise Resource Planning

GAGoogle Analytics

GTMGoogle Tag Manager

IaasInfrastructure As A Service

iPaasintegration Platform As A Service

ISRInbound Sales Representative

LDRLead Development Representative

LRRLead Response Representative

MDRMarket Development Representative

MOFUMiddle Of the Funnel

MQLMarketing Qualified Leads

MRRMonthly Recurring Revenue

PaaSPlatform As A Service

PIMProduct Information Management

POCProof Of Concept

PRMProspect Relationship Management

RFMRecency Frenquency Monetary

ROASReturn On Ad Spent

SaaSSoftware As A Service

SDRSales Development Representative

SESales Executive

SEASearch Engine Advertising

SEOSearch Engine Optimization

SQLSales Qualified Leads

TOFUTop Of the Funnel

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